Sunday 2 December 2012

In room 2 we have been doing a lot of baking. Last time we baked we weren’t allowed to use an oven, element or microwave. Though this time Miss J told us that we were allowed to use a stove top and an oven. She also said that we had to make a box out of cardboard that could hold our treat without using tape, staples or any other materials that stick it together apart from the folds its self. Some of us didn’t achieve this as their boxes didn’t  go to plan, however, we had fun having a go and lots of learning was achieved. Here are our pictures, in a new format. We used photopeach which was awesome, although slight confusing at first. We are of course, now experts. Enjoy. Bailey and Jess.

blog for sweet treats 2 on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Sweet Treats

Hi everyone, we are doing sweet treats as our end of year inquiry topic. When the children were told they got extremely excited. Until I then explained they couldn't use an oven, oven top (elements) or a microwave. This was an interesting concept for some. After a brainstorm and sharing of ideas and going home to check out mum / dad and google, we had an exciting range of sweet treats. I am very proud of them all, as there was quite a range of different sweets. Check out our photos.

We followed the recipe to make our treats. Once they were done, some of us found that it didn't turn out as expected!

Thursday 20 September 2012

Calender Art, Itsy Bitsy Spider and Topsy Turvy Day

This week we did our fantastic calender art. First we drew the hills with pencil and then we started painting the hills. We had to mix the paint to make it lighter because Mrs Fowler said that it would give it the effect we needed. We also used ohp (over head projector) material to make the wings. We made them beautiful and colourful and added some little babies in as well.


On the 14th of September we had our topsy turvy day and we had a lot of fun deciding what we would wear as you could see Abby decided to go as a nerdy person. She even coloured her eyebrows!


When we had Mrs Fowler as a reliever teacher we did the itsy bitsy spider poem but we didn't do the usual poem we made up different problems of our own. Once we had done two poems we had to choose the best one. We drew a spider on a big piece of paper in pencil. Then we out lined the spider in black sharpie. Next we cut the spider out and wrote our poem onto it in pencil. After we had done that we went over it in sharpie. Finally we  coloured it in and cut it out.

By Tyler & Tegan

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Musical Rhythyms

This week for music, we were learning about rhythms and beats. We learnt about the different kinds of beats: crotchets, (pears) quavers, (apples) triple (pineapple) and semiquavers. (watermelons) We also learnt about timing & treble and bass clefs, and discussed which instrument would play treble of bass clef. We all made our own rhythm, then got into groups to share them. We then voted on our favourite one within our groups & performed them in front of the class.

 By Shervonne & Sam

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Narrative Writing & Inquiry Learning

In room 2 we have been learning to write a narritive about a haunted mansion.We had to include an orientation, a beginning event, a problem,a resolution and a conclusion.We were not allowed to use said, and we discovered that there were alot words to replace said. E.g. growled, giggled, uttered, demaded, bellowed and many more.

In inquiry learning our big aim for this term was "How has the olympics and athletes competing changed over time?" Then we had to think of  smaller questions like,How have the running shoes changed over time? or Are olympians eating a healthier diet these days? We are really excited about getting more into our inquiry.By Bailey. 

etherpad writing

Good morning everyone, Room 2 was introduced to etherpad writing at computer time with Mrs Prescott on Wednesday. We were in groups of two. When we typed we could see other children's writing happening at the same time!! We had 3-4 groups on one pad. It was exciting to see everyones writing at the same time. Here is a comment from Mrs Prescott.

Hi Room 2

I went through the class etherpads and saw this outstanding piece of writing:

Lego Mini Figures 
The wind swirled around me, creating a tornado of leaves and dust around ankle hight. The city was deserted, not a living creature in sight.The rain poured down continuously, drenching everything and everyone in its path. Trees swayed violently, a living nightmare for birds. The sun had disappeared behind the horizon eons ago, plunging the city into immense darkness.

The wind tore through the city like a pair of scissors through paper.

Lightning zapped on buildings and trees alike, leaving a static sound in the air. Thunder boomed like an eternal drumbeat. Birds screeched, sirens, a warning to all. A car hurridly swerved wildly down the street, narrowly missing a broken lampost by a mere centimeter, fumes hissing out of the cars exhaust pipe. Suddenly, a group of cats scuttled away quickly in a torrent of shrieks.

I love the way a picture was built up in the mind with the rich language.  Well done Lego Mini Figures.

Mrs Prescott

Monday 20 August 2012

Recipe Writing Online

Today, Room  2 learnt about Recipe writing using an online notepad called Etherpad.


The recipe was:


Ingredients: Setting the scene, Tuning in the ear, Developing the character, Creating the action, The resolution.


1. Bring your reader in to a powerful setting of the scene where your story is to unfold.

2. Introduce some sound into the scene to further engage the senses of the reader.

3. Have your character appear dramatically within the setting.

4. Create the action that will bind the reader into the story and continue to develop this to the penultimate moment.

5. Resolve the story with some revisiting of the scene, the sounds or the character that was central to the storyline.  leave your reader with something magic to hold on to.

We were put into groups and there were 4 groups assigned to each online notepad.  The great thing about it was, as we typed our stories, we could see what others were typing at the same time, and learn from each other.

We only had time for steps 1 and 2.  Here is a selection of snippets from our writing in its draft stage.  We will finish our writing and then publish the completed stories.  Enjoy.



Lightning crackling like bacon sizzling on the frying pan.  Birds chirping trying to save themselves and their families from the rain coming in their nest/home.

Oragami  Yodas

One stormy night the wind was incredibly strong shooting through the trees like birds. Lots of thunder crackled in the sky like wood in a fire burning slowly.


Hockey Masters 

The thunder ripped through the sky. The wolves howled a blood curdling scream that sent shivers down my spine.


Dominos pizza

While they were looking the storm got louder.


The MC Chicken 

The smaller trees were being thrashed around violently until they hit the ground and got stuck there. Not much later, a big tree went down like a building in an earthquake, taking all the other trees down with it, the same as dominos.


Midnight Madness

Leaves swirled around my ankles causing scratches and the dark venom- like-blood dripped slowly down my shaking leg. Thunder claps above me, as I drearily walk home through the currents of the storm, splashing through the puddles as big as lakes, my feet and shoes sopping wet.



The night was a catastrophe. Wind swirling as lightning bolts appear in the sky. A tornado forms and twists and turns towards us.


The Chocolate Milkshakes

Umbrellas were twisting and turning. The thunder boomed and the wind howled. Trees smashing against the window. 


Lego Mini Figures 

The wind swirled around me, creating a tornado of leaves and dust around ankle height. The city was deserted, not a living creature in sight. The rain poured down continuously, drenching everything and everyone in its path. Trees swayed violently, a living nightmare for birds. The sun had disappeared behind the horizon eons ago, plunging the city into immense darkness.


The KT Waggafuffles

As I stood there waiting for my bus I was breathless in terror. 


The Gummy Bears

The trees looked like monsters in their shadows, ganging up on us. 

The sound of the trees whistling, 


 Dragon Born

As I was waddling through the chilling snow I saw a twister ravaging the icy pane. 



My drenched pants dragged through the water as I tried to make my way out of the flood.

The wind howls in the occasional breaks of sound from the waves clashing on the rocky walls